On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 22:55:50 -0700
Sean Kamath <kam...@geekoids.com> wrote:

> It's a bitch
> to code in sftp support to every application that expects to operate on a
> file.

That's why I suggested the windows program that uses sftp as a windows
share that I happened to stumble across, but didn't log the name as it's
for windows, if I ever need it I'll find it, but I doubt that will

The example given was for a medical image which I imagine you would
need the whole file for and would only be created from a single
patient. But your reasoning for locking and scaling is sound assuming
there isn't another better alternative out there.

>>We'd love to have delegations in NFSv4 because it would
>>significantly enhance the ability to locality-based locking/caching.

That is possibly the only real argument I've heard for nfsv4 so far over
nfs3 and sounds interesting.

It's not my job and the devils in the details. However, I would search
every place under the sun, before mixing nfs, especially nfs4 from the
sounds of it with samba and security, but then the same could be said
for windows or hosts with web browsers connected to the internet.
The amount of compromised medical, police and government data is
rediculous (ignoring when it's left on the train) and the security
targets a joke or ignored, scalability is no excuse, unless it is
decided to be more important than the security, which may be the case,
right or wrong as often real risks are not even considered or possibly
thought of especially by those that want to maximise profit or minimise
todays cost at the expense of the future which will be someone elses
problem. It is certainly a recurring theme across the world, atleast
everywhere I've seen and often a simple design change fixes almost

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