| > No I cannot just put and get. Moving hundreds of gigabytes of
| > medical imaging data around with FTP/SSH would be out of the
| > question.
| Yet moving hundreds of gigabytes of medical imaging data
| around with NFS is OK. More specifically yet, moving them
| around with NFSv4 is OK, but moving them around with NFSv3
| is not. Right?
| Let's stay technical: what exactly does NFSv4 do for you in your
| situation that NFSv3 does not? "Kerberos security", as in "users
| authenticate themselvzes"? "Firewall friendly"? How exactly is
| NFSv4 more "firewall friendly" than NFSv3?
| (Don't get me wrong: I want a multi-platform shared storage too.
| I do it with NFSv3. You use NFSv4, Kerberos, and Samba. How exactly
| is that better?)
| Do you need file access or file transfer, in the sense of
| Callahan's standard "NFS Illustrated" book?
| Jan

Okay, while we do employ NIS/NFSv3 now. this is on a completely segmented 
network.  The data that is being transferred is separate from the rest of the 

In the new setup this will not be the case.  It was but one example of why 
NFSv4 might be chosen over NFSv3.  The added Kerberos authentication is but one 
step in providing additional data security.  I understand  that it does not 
substitute for good password security.  It was but one example of why NFSv4 
might be chosen over NFSv3.  

NFSv4 with kerberos supports encryption. While using krb5p, every communication 
between client and server is sent over the wire after it was encrypted which 
was not supported by NFSv3.

NFSv4 is stateful and uses a single port. Port 2049

I am looking for file access just like we are currently providing with NFSv3.  
We just need to add additional levels of security in the sense of 
authentication and access control to work across a less secure, non-segmented 
network.  I am *not* using OpenBSD for *any* of this.  I was merely attempting 
to offer input as to why someone *might* require NFSv4.

James A. Peltier
Systems Analyst (FASNet), VIVARIUM Technical Director
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
Website : http://www.fas.sfu.ca | http://vivarium.cs.sfu.ca
MSN     : subatomic_s...@hotmail.com

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