On 2010-10-29 11.28, Eric Furman wrote:
On Fri, 29 Oct 2010 08:23 +0200, "Henning Brauer"
* James A. Peltier<jpelt...@sfu.ca>  [2010-10-28 20:23]:
What it offers:
Kerberos security,
what again?
selectable security level (-o sec=krb5/krb5i/krb5p),
ha ha ha ha
firewall friendly
And this huge infrastructure creation (nfsv4/Kerberos/blah blah) all so
his users can type 'cp' and 'mv' instead of 'put' and 'get'?
I don't get it.
Also the last time I checked SFTP was supported on all the
platforms he listed....
Or did I miss something?

Oh come on, surely you can't fail to realize that there are actually benefits to having all your data on one place, always? Especially if you have an environment where you might need to access it from several different platforms.

Not only in terms of user friendliness but also to avoid the problem of having to cope with several versions of the same data, or even the problem of the data producer and consumer not being the same. And those were just some examples where a central networked file system comes in really handy.

(That the available options to solve the problem may not be perfect is another matter entirely. I'm sure you can still appreciate the fact that the need may exist?)



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