Janne Johansson wrote:
2010/5/27 Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarne...@veltrac.com.br>
Forgive me for the noob question (i'm a newbie at openbsd), but if i  want
to build, for example, a large squid cache using openbsd, in a  server with
BIIIG ram (12gb+), i will no be able to use the full memory  space? is this
what you guys are saying?

That is correct.  12G of ram for web cache?  Why not a better disk

Hi Marco, tks for your anwser. Maybe i have not choosed the best example,
but the question is answered.
IMHO, this serious limits the use of OpenBSD in tasks that takes huge
memory space to execute. There is an serious effort to avoid this

Maybe people need to sit down and invent cases in order to figure out why
this is a REAL, SERIOUS ISSUE(tm) and later figure that the invented case
wasn't valid,
but there must be an ISSUE anyhow.

Sure, everybody wants to use all ram, but unless someone says "it might blow
up if you experiment", I'd rather stick to a 3+ G squid
cache than experiment with bouncebuffered devices and
I-dont-know-how-well-it-works-IOMMUs if I was serious about web caching.
It's not because you or me didn't said about an example that use tons of RAM, doesn't mean that such scenarios does not exist. I develop a application in java that serves more than ten thousand clients, and in top hours it's sure to use at least 2,5gb (this single process). I didn't want to expose my personal example, but if you want one, here it is.

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