On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:13:36AM -0300, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
> Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> bad advice.  Don't do it, there is a reason it isn't disabled.
>> send oga some beer for c2k10 instead he might feel more pressure that
>> way :-)
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:01:58AM +0100, Peter Kay (Syllopsium) wrote:
>>>> From: "Siju George" <sgeorge...@gmail.com>
>>>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Peter Kay (Syllopsium)
>>>> <syllops...@syllopsium.com> wrote:
>>>>>> From: "Siju George" <sgeorge...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> but OpenBSD 4.7/amd64 SMP detects only 3 GB.
>>>>>> Is there anything more I should do to get the other 1 GB of RAM
>>>>>> recognized by the System?
>>>>> This is normal. Large memory support is not yet included in
>>>>> OpenBSD by default for amd64.
>>>> Is there anything I can do  to get this by recompiling the kernel 
>>>> or  something?
>>> Yes and no; google for 'bigmem' in the misc list for marc.info. You 
>>> have to edit
>>> a source file and recompile the kernel.
>>> However, it won't work (to be precise, it will probably crash on 
>>> boot, or possibly
>>> afterwards) unless you have an IOMMU, and most Intel systems don't.
>>> OpenBSD doesn't support the AGP/PCI-e GART as an IOMMU, and I'm not sure
>>> if it supports VT-d platforms (which you probably aren't running 
>>> anyway). The
>>> only option here is AMD.
>>> Until the devs tell us it's working, it's not worth persevering with.
>>> PK     
> Forgive me for the noob question (i'm a newbie at openbsd), but if i  
> want to build, for example, a large squid cache using openbsd, in a  
> server with BIIIG ram (12gb+), i will no be able to use the full memory  
> space? is this what you guys are saying?

That is correct.  12G of ram for web cache?  Why not a better disk

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