Marco Peereboom wrote:
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:13:36AM -0300, Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:
Marco Peereboom wrote:
bad advice. Don't do it, there is a reason it isn't disabled.
send oga some beer for c2k10 instead he might feel more pressure that
way :-)
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:01:58AM +0100, Peter Kay (Syllopsium) wrote:
From: "Siju George" <>
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Peter Kay (Syllopsium)
<> wrote:
From: "Siju George" <>
but OpenBSD 4.7/amd64 SMP detects only 3 GB.
Is there anything more I should do to get the other 1 GB of RAM
recognized by the System?
This is normal. Large memory support is not yet included in
OpenBSD by default for amd64.
Is there anything I can do to get this by recompiling the kernel
or something?
Yes and no; google for 'bigmem' in the misc list for You
have to edit
a source file and recompile the kernel.
However, it won't work (to be precise, it will probably crash on
boot, or possibly
afterwards) unless you have an IOMMU, and most Intel systems don't.
OpenBSD doesn't support the AGP/PCI-e GART as an IOMMU, and I'm not sure
if it supports VT-d platforms (which you probably aren't running
anyway). The
only option here is AMD.
Until the devs tell us it's working, it's not worth persevering with.
Forgive me for the noob question (i'm a newbie at openbsd), but if i
want to build, for example, a large squid cache using openbsd, in a
server with BIIIG ram (12gb+), i will no be able to use the full memory
space? is this what you guys are saying?
That is correct. 12G of ram for web cache? Why not a better disk
Hi Marco, tks for your anwser. Maybe i have not choosed the best
example, but the question is answered.
IMHO, this serious limits the use of OpenBSD in tasks that takes huge
memory space to execute. There is an serious effort to avoid this
I'm not pushing anything, and i'm fully aware that developers does this
system because they want, and not to satisfy my personal needs. I just
want to be well informed to not talk any bulls**t.
Tks in advance and sorry for my poor english.