On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Sean Kamath <kam...@geekoids.com> wrote:

> On Apr 14, 2010, at 8:57 PM, Ted Roby wrote:
> > I got more help from the first poster who suggested using
> > Circle Mud instead. The problem is, I was quite attached to
> > to this modified Rom code, and perhaps committed the
> > error of getting my hopes up.
> You just weren't <sic>to to</sic> clear in your first post.

I guess not. Further posting of Diku code brought out Lars' useful reply.

>  /dev/null here
> couldn't figure out if you were just bitching about the idiocy of people's
> random licenses (and believe me, I've been seeing stupid licenses on code
> since 1984 on my school's Vax 785 run BSD4.1 -- it's gotten only marginally
> better), or whining that you couldn't use this super-cool pile of code
> because
> you couldn't contact the author.

You weren't actually a "NULL" by the time I wrote that. I was speaking of
the "Chris Dukes" and "Chris" addresses, whether they be the same man
cow or not. Sure, you threw up that annoying lmgtfy reference after he
did, but we actually had a conversation.

Mr. Dukes made two postings back on the 25th of March, and then he suddenly
resurfaces to throw an lmgtfy in my face. (A link I suspect he just learned
of from
another post.) After my bit of defensive posture he drew silent again.
Can you measure that kind of useless noise??

Man Cow Chris (be it the same person or not) made another useless blurb
for self-gratification. He even threw in an "eat a dick" while disarming it
at the same time.

>  You did not hint that you even *tried* to
> contact him, them or whatever.  And then you reply to the first response,
> bitching about what someone helpfully tries to suggest might aid you in
> finding the author.  OK, I'm a shit for poking the bear.  But still, you
> could
> have just said "yeah, I tried that, and haven't heard back", but no, you
> gotta
> put him in his place. . . Sheesh.
I just didn't find it "helpful".
More like antagonistic.

> > NULL + NULL + NULL still equals nothing.
> Properly chastised, I'm going back to lurking.
It wasn't really about you..

> Sean
> PS Theo does a *WAY* better job of bitch-slapping me, by the way.  But keep
> trying!

Thanks. I suspect Theo is in a position to win many
more arguments with one-liners than lil ol me.

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