On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:25 PM, J.C. Roberts <list-...@designtools.org>wrote:
> > > If I have clean licensing on everything, can > > I then ask for addition to the tree? > > > > Of course you can ask, and if the port is both well done and well > tested, then someone else might have enough interest to take the time > to commit it. But of course, there are no guarantees. > > That is what I was aiming for with both questions. Thanks. > You'll never know if something is useful or interesting to others until > you say, "Here's what I brought to the party." > > > Or should I just neatly post to ports@ and see what happens? > > > > Assuming a good port without caustic licensing, whether a port only > lives on the ports@ list archives or lives in the official project ports > tree, is highly subjective. > > No problem! Sounds like I had a good understanding of the procedure. I'd rather ask than ass-u-me. I don't expect anything to be favored unless it stands up on its own merit, and found useful. Now to just choose... Thanks list.