On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Chris <amaneating...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You're kidding us, right?  You can't bother to google something so
> basic, you complain when someone points you in the right direction,
> make a quick detour for a spelling flame, then act like it'd be way
> more work to email a couple of guys randomly (especially for such an
> uncommon name from Manitoba) than it would be to re-write something
> from scratch...
> And I bet no one has *ever* re-licensed their hobby project so it can
> breath new life.  No need to ask when you can peer into the future.
> Sean is much more patient than I; after the second round of bullshit
> you dumped here, I'd have told you to eat a dick.
> Chris
This is your second round of bullshit.

I had googled all of this before my first post.
In fact, I have been in contact with the current
maintainers of the project. They have explicit
permission, but that doesn't give me explicit

You blew off on this message board assuming I hadn't even
googled, or found our friend Voytek Plawny.

Why? I guess it made you feel like you were contributing something.

Find yourself another target for self-aggrandization.
You're still just another monkey on a mailing list.

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