On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Jason Beaudoin <jasonbeaud...@gmail.com>wrote:

> What a crock of shite. Good to know as I am just getting into a few
> small-scale virtualizing projects.. not so sure I am at *all*
> surprised.

Is there *ANY* good virtualization software out there?  I don't care what OS
it needs to host it (preferably not windows :)) - my needs are simple (home

1)  free
2)  has some level of documentation
3)  able to support solaris x86
4)  able to pass through raw (disk) devices to a guest (can you spell zfs
5)  able to support other x86 OSes (openbsd, linux, windows)

I'm trying xen on debian right now, and it is very difficult to find good
documentation on what's going on.  I can't even figure out how to get it to
install from an ISO image!  Possibly, my google-fu is weak, but, *GAH*

I'm *very* tempted to go with ESXi - for the price of free, and the ability
to actually use the damn thing.  Never tried qemu before, there seems to be
a number of separate pieces that needs to be pieced together the last time I
looked at it.

Just what do you guys use?

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