On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Jason Beaudoin <jasonbeaud...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 7:42 AM, Nick Holland
> <n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> > Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> >> Which VMware August bug you mean? This one or different?
> >> http://communities.vmware.com/thread/162377?tstart=0&start=0
> >
> > yep, that's the one.
> >
> > Short version: VMware accidentally shipped a production release of ESX
> > and ESXi (yes, both the expensive and no-charge version) which turned
> > off management of the VMs on August 12, 2008 -- a turned on VM could
> > stay running, but an off VM could not be started, and their wonderful
> > vmotion feature stops working...which would be critical for less
> > painful recovery from this problem.  VMware regularly "time bombed"
> > their beta versions of the software, and in this case, the time bomb
> > slipped out the door.
> Hilarious, yet depressing (and telling):
> "FAQ for Express Patches
>   1.  What do the express patches do?
>      There are two express patches:
>          *
>            For an affected ESX 3.5 Update 2 (build number 103908),
> use ESX Update 2 Express Patch (build 110181)
>          *
>            For an affected ESXi 3.5 Update 2 (build number 103909),
> use ESXi Update 2 Express Patch (build number 110180).
>            They are specifically targeted for customers who have
> installed or fully upgraded to ESX/ESXi 3.5 Update 2 or who have
> applied the ESX350-200806201-UG/ESXe350-200807401-I-UG patch to
> ESX/ESXi 3.5 or ESX/ESX 3.5 Update 1 hosts. For customers who haven t
> done either, these express patches should not be applied.
>            Note: These patches have been validated to work with both
> esxupdate and VMware Update Manager. Maintenance mode is required, but
> a reboot of the ESX host is not required with these patches.
>            We are currently testing an option to apply the patch
> without requiring VMotion or VM power-off and re-power-on at the point
> of patch application. To immediately refresh vmx on the VM, one can
> VMotion off running VMs, apply the patches and VMotion the VMs back.
> If VMotion capability is not available, VMs can be powered off before
> the patches are applied and powered back on afterwards."
> Did anyone else find an answer to the proposed question?    "1.  What
> do the express patches do?"
> from the kb article (their follow up) to that issue:
> http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=disp
> layKC&externalId=1006716<http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=disp%0AlayKC&externalId=1006716>
> What a crock of shite. Good to know as I am just getting into a few
> small-scale virtualizing projects.. not so sure I am at *all*
> surprised.
Hey, I got a 2 GB usb stick for my troubles over a recent fiasco with
VMWare's release of Fusion 3.
It seems their PR department is doing a better job than QC.

> /end rant.
> ~Jason

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