On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 11:17 PM, Scott McEachern <sc...@erratic.ca> wrote:

> Ted Roby wrote:
>> Hey, I got a 2 GB usb stick for my troubles over a recent fiasco with
>> VMWare's release of Fusion 3.
>> It seems their PR department is doing a better job than QC.
> Ooo, a trinket from WallyMart that you can buy for pocket change!  Thanks..
> I think.
> Hey, it's better than a(nother) kick in the pants.  BTW: a bootable OpenBSD
> with X, scrotwm, firefox, mplayer, and a bunch of other handy stuff all fits
> in well under a gig on a USB stick.  Make sure to mention that in your
> follow-up Thank-You note for the stick. :)
Hey now! I think you fail to realize this particular trinket has the logo
VMWARE screened on the outside of it.
Oh, and it also blinks a pretty light when in use. I could be a typical Mac
user, and consider this to be "the best ever!".

> --
> -RSM
> http://www.erratic.ca

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