On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 17:51, Jean-Francois <jfsimon1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the so many questions but still manual may not always
> answer to them.

Did you read bioctl(8) and did you try the -R option that man page
mentions? It would seem appropriate for your question.

> How do we make the device become online again ?

>From a (brief) look at the manual and bioctl.c, I get the impression
that providing bioctl -R with the failed chunk (sd0, in your case)
should set off a rebuild of your softraid volume (sd2, in your case).
I haven't had time to explore softraid in practice yet, so take my
advice with a grain of salt.

> BTW does the same apply for physical drives instead of usb pens ?

I would expect 'yes', given that your USB pen attaches as an sd(4).
Ripping out a USB pen is not that different from ripping out a regular
drive, only easier.



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