On 23:53, Mon 01 Feb 10, Scott Beamer wrote:
> Bryan spake thusly:
> > On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:34, Stefan Rinkes
> > <stefan.rin...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> My name is Stefan Rinkes. I'm from munich in germany and I want to
> >> introduce my OpenBSD-Project.
> >>
> >> In the last months several OpenBSD-Live-Projects have been founded. And
> >> I really like them, but I always missed the option to install directly
> >> from the LiveCD or usb-stick.
> >>
> >>
> > You can install to a USB stick with the OpenBSD CDs.  What is special
> > about yours?
> I guess you don't know much about how Linux live CDs work, do you?

I know most of the time they actually _DONT_ work.
> > 
> >> About 9 months ago I started to combine the LiveCD and the installation
> >> process. I named this project "GNOBSD", the combination of OpenBSD and
> >> GNOME. After just 3 months I was able to publish "GNOBSD 4.5", the
> >> first working OpenBSD Live/Install CD.
> >>
> >>
> > Why add a bloated Desktop like GNOME?  What's wrong with fvwm, or maybe
> > even fluxbox (in a pinch)?
> FVWM is very dated, fluxbox is not easy for inexperienced users.  
> Personally, I dislike fluxbox/openbox/blackbox...

Because you dont like it, it's not easy for inexperienced users ?
Common. I gave my parents (they use a computer once a week to check
email, and even that has to come with a printed manual) a thinclient
that runs fluxbox and they never call me with questions. Still I get
mail from them almost weekly with pictures of their garden and their
cars and stuff.

> The best "light" desktops for my money are LXDE and XFCE.  But I still 
> prefer GNOME (or KDE) to anything else.
> Freedom of choice. That's the beauty of Open Source.

Exactly. But this freedom does not mean GNOME isn't bloated.

If what you say is true I should whine and complain about vim not being
in base because I use it for every .txt file. Sure I don't use 99% of
it's features by editing a simple .txt file.
If I were to create a BSD based setup with VIM and announce it here I'll
get the same response because ed is in base and very capable of handling
txt files. Hell, even cat and sed can do that! Still my vim setup is
bloated because I add a ton of files to my system I really dont need.

> > 
> >> Since 2 weeks the new release "GNOBSD 4.6" is available. It is based on
> >> the release version of OpenBSD 4.6 and can be downloaded as DVD-Iso or
> >> image for usb-sticks.
> >>
> >>
> > 
> >> After burning the ISO-Image to a DVD or copying the image to an
> >> usb-stick, you boot, test and if you like it, install it with the
> >> installation-wizard.
> >>
> >>
> > Again, installation from media that I buy to "support OpenBSD" to a USB
> > stick is still easier than this...  If I use yours, I am slowly helping
> > to doom OpenBSD
> That is utter nonsense. Ever heard of PC-BSD? It's been around for a few 
> years now and it's based on FreeBSD.  FreeBSD isn't going anywhere 
> anytime soon....

How much funding is FreeBSD getting from PC-BSD ????
Right, NONE!
That's the whole issue here.
It's an almost default install of OpenBSD with pre-installed GNOME and
there's totally no money flowing back from this 'project' into OpenBSD.
So they are making money with OpenBSD (which is fine) and they are
spamming the OpenBSD lists with it (which is of course not fine).

> > 
> >> The GNOBSD-installer is written in ruby and uses the gtk2-toolkit.
> >> After the installation have been finished OpenBSD, the window-manager
> >> GNOME and some useful packages, e.g. firefox, are installed and ready
> >> to use.
> >>
> >>
> > "useful packages" is opinion.  I may see "TeX" as useful...
> You're geekier than the average person out there.

And that's an opinion as well.

> > 
> >> The website is currently just available in german, I'm working on the
> >> english version. But I would really appreciate if some of you download
> >> and test it.
> >>
> >> And of course, give feedback ;)
> >>
> > .....I was "good cop"
> I beg to differ 

I agree. He really was 'good cop'

> > Furthermore, I won't be using your product. 
> And anyone else should care because?

Add me to the 'I wont be using your product' list.

> >I am afraid we are going in
> > a different direction, and I choose to use a product that directly
> > supports the developers of OpenBSD, mainly OpenBSD and OpenSSH.  I've
> > been a supporter for years, and will continue to help them in anyway I
> > can.
> It looks like Stefan is an OpenBSD developer now.....

Wrong Stefan.

> Keep using openBSD as you choose and stop worrying about others are using 
> it.  Open Source is all about freedom of choice.

We dont worry about others, except when they start using the OpenBSD
mailinglists as free advertisment channel for their crap.


Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"

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