On Mon, 18 May 2009 10:40:29 -0600
Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:

> > > If any of the people we talked to at 3ware weren't such LYING BAGS OF 
> > > HYPOCRITICAL SHIT we'd support their hardware
> > 
> > Hard words, Theo.  Do you think anyone you talked to could actually
> > understand what you were sayin'?
> I was not the only person who talked to 3Ware.  Over the last 10 years
> numerous developers and users have gotten gotten enough hope to try to
> talk to them, and have received promises of forthcoming documentation.
> All of those promises were lies.  Every person we talked to at 3ware
> is unaware what a promise means.  And it goes all the way up to
> members of the board and the vice presidential level.  They are LYING

Ok, a long history... sometimes I find it difficult to
differentiate malice from plain blind incompetence.


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