On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 7:26 PM, bofh <goodb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:35 AM, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de>
>> * Dan <d...@ourbrains.org> [2009-05-11 22:24]:
>>> Henning Brauer(lists-open...@bsws.de)@2009.05.11 19:45:57 +0200:
>>> > but there is some rumor in usr.sbin/smtpd/ ...
>>> This new smtpd better be at least as good as qmail, otherwise - what's
>>> the point?
>> is anyone really thinking it won't be?
> Oh boy, this is so rocking my world! B I can't wait for it! B I went
> from sendmail to vmail/postfix, but they were all still too big and
> complicated for what I really want, just simple mail delivery for my
> home box. B This is starting to sound so good! B Of course, you guys
> will design it well and make it work for big places, but, damnit,
> openbsd appears to be the only folks who care about usability
> (ipf/ipfilter, I'm looking at you).

I'm also looking for a very simple MTA that I can use at home and have
it configured to relay e-mail without having to write 75 directives in
3 configuration files (and then use m4 or generate the hash-map files,
then reload and cross my fingers).

And if people think usr.sbin/smtpd is not what they are expecting,
they can always use any other MTA. Diversity is good.

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