hmm, on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 01:33:25PM -0600, Bob Beck said that
> > some of the devs really need to give up their thinkpads and start
> > buying cheap msi or other stuff with amd and nvidia monstrosities :]
> > 
> Yeah... you're like... the guy who is sits outside the estwing 
> factory hitting his balls with an estwing hammer - telling everyone
> who comes in and out that it fucking hurts like hell and they shold
> give up on those nails and things and start hitting their balls so
> they can fix the hammer so it hurts less...
> We'll get right on that.. 
> Hope your balls get better soon.

Bob, always the funny guy.

if you can't let a joke go, you are the one hitting your balls.

bad is never good until worse happens.

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