On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:06:18AM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
> hmm, on Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 02:48:15PM -0500, Marco Peereboom said that
> > > some of the devs really need to give up their thinkpads and start
> > > buying cheap msi or other stuff with amd and nvidia monstrosities :]
> > 
> > Right, dealing with hardware that is unreliable on a daily basis is
> > exactly what I need.  I mean I am totally not busy at all so what is a
> > random reboot here and there anyway.
> all hw is unrealible to some degree, that's why we make backups.
> i am sure there are lenovo models that pack some shitty components..
> my thinkpad had it's own peculiarities (apm not working was one of them).

I don't use stinkpads either ;-)

> and once again, for the record.  that was a joke.  there is a smiley.
> geez.  i know it's monday but loosen up a bit....

You need to go write some acpi code and tell me again to loosen up.
Once you have taken a few bites of that shittaco tell me again how funny
this is.

> -f
> -- 
> windows error: 004 erroneous error.  nothing wrong.

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