sonjaya wrote: > ye that is my point , if i using obsd as guest os will be reduce > benefit of OBSD . > > so now only two candidate > - XEN > - qemu > - vmware server ( price is high 0 > - virtualbox SUN > > may be i will try taht candidate . > > Thank's for all sharing :) >
I run OpenBSD under VMware Server and ESXi. (Both are free) It is fairly stable and the performance isn't bad. I would recommend you use the "Other Linux (64-bit)" profile so you can get access to the e1000 virtual NIC. I could not get OpenBSD 4.4 or 4.5-beta to run under XenServer, it would install and start booting but would lock up during the boot. If anyone knows how to solve this, I would love to hear what you did. Tim