sonjaya schrieb:
> what virtualization you use  (vmware , openvz , etc )?

as Michiel wrote, he uses kvm (this is something in the linux kernel)

OpenVZ will not work. (Its up to you to find out why ;-) )

I use OpenBSD in Vmware Server 2.0 and if you search the archives you
will find a lot of people asking questions regarding vmware and xen.

But you should really search the archives as you will find a lot of
things about security, stability and so.


> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Michiel van Baak <>
> wrote:
>> On 15:13, Wed 18 Mar 09, sonjaya wrote:
>>> Hi...
>>> My boss ask how to move current obsd server to virtualiaztion ( such
>>> as  openvz, vmare , etc ) .
>>> anyone in here sucsess moving obsd to Environment  virtualization (
>>> openvz , vmware  etc ) , may be want share to me ?
>>> So obsd become guest OS  ?
>>> ps: i'm so sory to ask this because Efficiency  and reduce IT cost .
>>> thank's
>> I'm running OpenBSD 4.4 and -current under KVM here at home.
>> I wont run it in production tho. Real hardware is much more stable.
>> --
>> Michiel van Baak
>> GnuPG key:
>> "Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"
> --
> sonjaya
> & buy domain with free )

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