On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 09:30:02AM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote: > If a command line tool like git has a 'GUI Helper', then that package is > broken (which, I believe, is the case in this situation).
You don't get it, so I'll explain it. There are a lot of packages in OpenBSD. We can spend time providing stupid options like manually removing X, and then spend more time testing, and testing again. Each flavor you add has a cost: more tests. Either they're not done, and then stuff breaks (because untested packages don't work, murphy's law), or it detracts from more useful stuff. Moving some X11 stuff to subpackages makes sense. Creating some no_x11 stuff, *very* occasionally, makes sense. Most of the time, it's a wast of time. It makes for more complicated dependency trees, build errors, packaging errors, runtime errors. We'd rather spend time doing valuable things. You can very well install X on a production server. You don't have to run it. If you're afraid it's going to hole your precious machine, just remove the setuid binaries, it's darn simple, and it won't affect package dependencies. If you don't like the current situation, go run something else. We have enough stuff to do already, we're not into adding knobs just because it's neater. There are huge amounts of useful modifications to do that are ways more important than creating no_x11 flavors (and testing them).