Well, bgpd has no problem handing out a full route table to many clients.

If these are co-lo servers, wouldn't you just want to have one 'network inet 
static set { blah }' line and then add the 50K routes as static routes in the 

Peter Bristow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thanks for the replies so far. bgpd can handle full tables. This means that
> as of today ~251K prefixes demonstrably work but most of these are from
> peers (iBGP or eBGP) I'm interested in known limitations/expected gotchas on
> locally originating 50k prefixes.50K lines of
> network set { nexthop community 64667:0 }
> in a bgpd.conf
> Thanks
> Pete

Too many clocks, not enough time (Al. Einstein)

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