Plenty of people, including myself, are using bgpd to manage full route tables 
(> 230K routes, or even more these days) from multiple providers and/or to 
multiple customers and have been for years.  Some people are using it at 
exchange points with dozens or hundreds of peers.  At close to 5 years age, 
it's considered a very stable piece of software, and has been for some time.

Peter Bristow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there any known limitations or expected gotchas with originating a large
> number of routes with OpenBGPD?
> I'm thinking in the order of tens of thousands of routes. I've done a basic
> 'stress' test with 100,000 routes and nothing
> immediately broke. The idea is to route blocks of IP space to servers in a
> server farm.
> Thanks for your thoughts.
> Pete Bristow

Too many clocks, not enough time (Al. Einstein)

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