Hi,  Thanks for your info!

I have try using mrxvt various -hold <args> and nothing helps me. It
does not solve the problem of "zombie" kshs with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. I
still think this is a bug.

I tried to find some answers and I found a interesting conclusion in the
book "Unix power Tools" (O'Reilly) in chapter 38.16 (last paragraph). I
paste the text.

"So, to get rid of a zombie, you must wait for it. If you have already
done so or if the process' PPID is 1, the process is almost certainly
stuck in a device driver (42.1) close routine, and if it remains that
way forever, the driver has a bug."

Keep investigating.

Antoine Jacoutot escribis:


Sorry, a bit late on this but I've been busy.
Did you have a look at the '-hold' option?
>From what you've been saying, disabling it should solve your problem.

     -hold mask
Hold the tab open after the child process in it exits. mask is the mask of flags which control weather the tab will be held open based on the exit status of the child process. If the lowest bit (0x01) of mask is set, then the tab will always be held open after the child exits. If the next bit (0x02) is set, then the tab will only be held open if the child exits abnormally (e.g. via abort(1)). If the third bit (0x04) is set, then the tab will be held open if the
           child exits with non-zero status.

NOTE: In previous versions of mrxvt this was a boolean option. For backward compatibility, the value of True, On, Yes will be treated as 1 and anything illegal will be treated as 0. The default is
           0x06.  [holdExit]

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