On 24/04/08 21:13 +0200, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> Hi, thanks for your info.
> If I do the exit command on every tab, this thing doesn't happens, its
> directly related with the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Backspace but I still
> think this is a buggy behaviour ( in my opinion) and such thing should
> be solved.
> To not get this in mind I moved to use rxvt and urxvt :S I know it's not
> the solution but these zombie processes wich make me unable to halt the
> machine are really disturbing to me.
> Jesus-
> Clint Pachl escribis:
> >Jesus Sanchez wrote:
> >>Hi, I'm using 4.2.
> >
> >I'm using 4.1.
> >
> >>
> >>I have installed from ports the program mrxvt it works well as people
> >>say but I have (I believe) found a buggy behaviour when using mrxvt and
> >>ksh (the OpenBSD one).
> >>
> >>I launch startx (with fvwm2 and mrxvt on my .xinitrc) as a regular user
> >>(it's in the wheel group) and then I open a few tabs on mrxvt (3 or 4),
> >>then I close X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace and I found with 'ps -ax' that
> >>the ksh opened with mrxvt (ttyp0, ttyp1, and more) are still running,
> >>not mrxvt.
> >
> >I am also using fvwm2, but I use xdm instead of startx. I used to have 
> >the same problem you describe and I can't remember what I did to fix it.
> >
> >In my ~/.Xdefaults I have the line:
> >mrxvt.macro.Primary+Ctrl+W: Close 0
> >
> >I only have that because it matches the shortcut to close a tab in my 
> >Seamonkey browser.
> >
> >Also, I'm not sure if I installed from ports. OpenBSD didn't have an 
> >mrxvt port for quite awhile so I always compiled my own. Here are the 
> >characteristics of my current mrxvt:
> >
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] mrxvt -h
> >Mrxvt v0.5.2
> >Options: XPM,Jpeg,PNG,transparent,fade,tint,utmp,menubar,XIM,
> >scrollbars=rxvt+NeXT+xterm+sgi+plain,xft,frills,linespace,selectionscrolling,
> > 
> >
> >256colour,cursorBlink,pointerBlank,session management,Resources
> >
> >>
> >>When I try to kill them this doesn't works and ps return the "Is+" STATE
> >>I get 0wn3d and then try (as root) kill -9 <PIDs> and still doesn't
> >>works, ps returns "IEs+" STATE.  Even If I have to power off the
> >>computer with 'halt -p' these ksh sessions make it imposible, I have to
> >>use 'halt -p -q'.
> >
> >What happens when you type the exit command instead of using the 
> >keyboard shortcut to close a tab/terminal? I wish I could remember 
> >what I did to fix the problem, but I also found this interesting line 
> >in my ~/.Xdefaults that may help:
> >
> >mrxvt.holdExit: 0x00
> >
> >>
> >>This stuff doesn't happends with tcsh and mrxvt. And also if I use rxvt
> >>instead of mrxvt this also doesn't happends with ksh.
> >>
> >>I have not added my dmesg or something else because I really don't know
> >>if it's necessary.
> >
> >You may also want to try the mrxvt mailing lists. I'm subscribed and 
> >they seem very active. The lead developer is top notch.
> >
> >-pachl

Why do you want to quick with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace? ddTry to close your
mrxvt *before* you press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, this *should be* a safe

But this, as you said, don't solve the problem... If I kill x server
with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace without closing mrxvt window, ksh (and only ksh,
because csh/tcsh works...) doesn't exit. I can kill these sleeping ksh,
but what is locked (from mrxvt), I think, is utmp. If I try to w, my
system doesn't respond.

I'm investigating...

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