Hey guys, thanks for the replies... remember that my original intend was to build a cheap home monitoring/surveillance system using free open source softwares and OpenBSD just come to mind naturally... I mean, the goal is the capture live footage of your own house, who doesn't want it to be as secure as it can be!!
So at least to me, things like Skype would be nice to communicate with your friends overseas... but I believe there are a lot more that can be done with webcams... from one of the previous post we can see there is a difference between a web cam and a camcorder in terms of size, cost, etc... web cam support can be a huge saving if you were to deploy a series of home monitoring/surveillance systems for your friends and neighbours. Also, web cams are a lot more easier to get hold of than camcorders, just imagine that you can just get a bunch of cheap stuff from a garage sale and build an ultra secure surveillance system out of it!! Besides I am merely asking for the current state of web cam support in OpenBSD... if there are things that are simply missing I like to know if someone is working on it or not... I am starting to learn about digital designs and hopefully, OS implementation soon... writhing a web cam driver may be a good way to learn about this and also as a way to contribute the OpenBSD hardware support... of course, I cannot make any actual promise. Well, perhaps the OpenBSD dev's may not want OpenBSD to bloat like Mac and have dozens of things everywhere, but more support for hardware should be always good, without hardware you can't do much no matter how good your OS is... after all, that's the whole point of an OS, right? -- This e-mail may be confidential. It may also be legally privileged. You may not copy, forward, distribute, disclose, or, use any part of it. If you haveb(received this message in error, please delete it and all copies from your systemb(and notify the sender immediately by return e-mail. Internet communicationsb(cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error, or, virus-free. The sender do not accept liability for any errors, or, omissions. Nevertheless, this text has no effective legal binding on your part. There is no obligation to abide any or all parts of this, just as any texts appended to e-mail on rest of the Internet.