2008/3/23, Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Hash: SHA1
>  On 22:59:31 Mar 23, Sunnz wrote:
>  > Well well, I am basically interested to set up a home monitoring
>  > system with a PC, OpenBSD, and a Webcam... PC and OpenBSD I had it
>  > going, but what about the webcam? Are there much webcam support for
>  > it?
>  >
>  > I have plugged in my old webcam in to the USB port just to see what
>  > gives... it reports the ugen0 device, Vimicro Corp. PC Camera, rev
>  > 1.10/1.00, addr 10... if it got this far instead of being "not
>  > configured", does it mean it has some support for it?
>  >
>  > What should I do next?
> What should you do next?
>  Wait for webcam support to be added. Short of that I have no other
>  advice.
>  Perhaps one of these days someone will do it.
>  I too want this. If it comes to it I might do it but don't count on it.
>  - -Girish
>  - --
>  "unix soi qui mal y pense"
>  UNIX to him who evil thinks
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Ah, I guess my question is, what is missing link here... like... do we
need driver for this to function? Do we need documentation to webcams
so dev can write driver for it... or is a port missing that can
actually take videos?

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