On 16/03/2008, at 3:39 PM, Chris Zakelj wrote:

Richard Toohey wrote:
I usually batch the files into ~ 50Mb at a time, or use a different copying mechanism/program (or a script to copy n directories across at a time.)
Not really an option, given that a single DVR recording can be upwards of 8G
My experience is more with Windows 2003 server, but there is definitely something in MS code.

And Vista still has issues ... just new ones.  8-)
As I understand, the XP64 codebase is derived from Server 2003.
See if you can find a different copying program ...
Well, the links and your script idea pointed me to trying the Windows CLI, and strangely enough, that works in both directions with the aforementioned 8G files at roughly 40% network utilization, which suggests to me that may be the hard-drive throughput limit (in which case, I'd be satisfied). I won't call this solved (since it's more a kludge than a fix), but it's a workable method :)

Glad it has worked - but I reckon it is more a Windows Explorer issue than hard drive throughput related. It just seems
to get bored or time-out.

No way to prove it (well, more correctly - no INCLINATION to prove it!), other than different copying methods work. (In fact, just about ANY method apart from Windows Explorer seems to work, so that is suggestive.)

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