On Thursday 28 February 2008, Jay Hart wrote: > It would be great if the devs could get back to the list which > card(s) they wanted, so that its not a crap-shoot if an available > card is what they need. > > I'm looking on my end for anything available, but a more directed > search would be great. > > Jay
Sometimes they do, but sometimes things get taken off list for, more or less, privacy reasons... --some people/companies want the "fame" of being listed on "donors.html" but others rather just quietly and privately say thank you to the devs by sending needed hardware. As stated here: http://www.openbsd.org/want.html It's always best to contact the dev who needs the gear, or contact Theo if you don't know which dev to talk to. This request hasn't made it onto "want.html" yet, but since I know Edd, I'm certain it's legit. As a regular end user of OpenBSD, I can say that tossing hardware to talented devs all over the world is one of the best things you can do to help the project. jcr