* Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-21 16:32:47]:

> On 2/21/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My suggestion is to overwrite memory like 3 times if a programm free's the
> > memory or if a reboot is commanded via the shell. Of course this harms
> > "old" boxes but it's still btter then loosing your SSH-Key or whatever
> > resists in your ram.
> 1.  what happens when the bad people pull the plug on a running computer?
> 2.  how long do the bad people have to read your memory after you turn it off?

Who said anything about turning it off?  Here's a device to easily
keep power to the machine while physically moving it, even if it
was not plugged into a UPS before.



If someone wants your secrets, why don't they just knock down your
door, torture you, or easier yet, tie you up while they access your
computer?  Don't tell me this is impossible because you have some
thermite or what not ontop of components in your machine which is
triggered by some emacs-like keypress on your keyboard?  Perhaps,
though, you'll get up to take a le piss, or go to the kitchen for
say, chicken nuggets.  Tasty, tasty nuggets (with ketchup,) they
will be the opprotunity for the badguys.  You're being paranoid.
The only time I wipe data (and I do a heck of a lot of it for my
work) is when we get rid of hard drives through various means,
mostly resale.  Wiping ram is absurd, because I can say with certainty
that it's impossible to get anything off it with the amount of time
that our resale or recycle machines are disconnected from power.
For the majority of them, this should be on the order of several

Also, anybody who puts confidential information on a craptop is
downright stupid.

Travers Buda

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