> wrote:
>> My suggestion is to overwrite memory like 3 times if a programm free's
>> the
>> memory or if a reboot is commanded via the shell. Of course this harms
>> "old" boxes but it's still btter then loosing your SSH-Key or whatever
>> resists in your ram.

> 1.  what happens when the bad people pull the plug on a running computer?

Well that's why I personaly mentioned a modified libary or the kernel wich
may   could overwrite the RAM 3 times or so in case it has nothing to do.

Maybe there wont be a solution wich solves everything but it's a fact that
most applications are written in a lazy way... so there's more information
stored into the ram then needed. At least this could get reduced I think..

> 2.  how long do the bad people have to read your memory after you turn it
> off?

How long do you need to search the memory? Not every OS "blocks" root from
reading the memory so a simple grep or so may would just take <1second?
*hopefully I got your qustion correctly..*

Kind regards,

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