In gmane.os.openbsd.misc, you wrote:
>  >   Why do you use (obviously flawed) research methods?
>  My method is to ask other people to do it for me.  I use that method
>  because it is efficient.  Its results are accurate, too.

Please do what all researchers do.  State the origin of where you got
your research.  Please stop plagarising all those people that do this
work for you, and start giving references as to where and from whom
you are using this research from.

>  However, when a person tells me his OS is free, I have not always
>  checked.  Sometimes I just took his word for it.  The problems that
>  have been reported here in various free systems (and, mostly,
>  corrected) show I need to discuss the criteria more carefully with
>  them.

That is one of the problems wrt using sources and not being able to
reference them.  Anyone worth their salt will make sure that their
research is sound, and that the research they base their conclusions
and their own research on is also sound.  Something about a deck of
cards and building a house out of them...


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