On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 04:24:06PM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
>     Here is the real issue, Richard.  You go off and endorse OpenSolaris
>     without knowing the facts.  You get confronted with them and you change
>     history.  Sound familiar?
> What sounds familiar is the nasty spin you place on a minor confusion.
> But you have added a new false accusation of "changing history".

Minor confusion?  This is the second time you make completely false
claims because you didn't bother to research what you are talking about.
You decided to be a public figure and the natural result is that people
will look at your statements with a magnifying glass.  I don't pay
attention to your normal activities as they have no bearing on me
whatsoever.  What shocks me is that the 2nd time in a week that I see you
talk is that you basically make stuff up.  I simply don't believe that
you had another "minor confusion".  You are smarter than that.

> I asked for my note of clarification to be labeled explicitly as such,
> so that it would be clear what was the original answer and what was
> the clarification.

You rectified your answer because the original one was false.  You could
have prevented that by reading up on it.  Unless you have a different
agenda that you are not sharing.

> Perhaps you should judge your own statements by the standards that 
> you seek to apply to mine.

I don't claim the high ground with provocative claims and word altering
tactics.  You do.  I am holding you to your own standards; why is that

>     If you want to run your mouth about projects try spending a few minutes
>     reading information about them and draw your own conclusions.
> I investigated the BSD systems, and I got the accurate information
> that the ports system can install non-free software.  Then I stated
> that accurate information using words that were subject to
> misunderstanding.

Those words were not up for misunderstanding.

> You witnessed the words I said in the interview.  However, you
> make claims about what I knew, what I thought, and what I intended
> which are based on pure speculation.  No wonder yourclaims are mistaken.

When a public figure speaks he/she is supposed to know what they are
talking about.  You for some reason don't seem to think that what you
say needs rooting in truth or reality.  As the figure head for the FSF
you really should behave as you preach.  I've met many of your minions
and they are at least consistent and principled.  I even have seen guys
get fired for refusing to use non GPL software.

You are making stuff up and now blaming me for pointing it out.

> Shouldn't you investigate the facts before you make such claims?

I read your words; I researched the CDDL and OpenSolaris and came to the
conclusion that you were again making stuff up.  Who is making any
claims here?

You need to stick to the conversation instead of trying to divert it to
irrelevant drivel.  Also instead of answering the questions I asked, you
decided that it is better to put words in my mouth.

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