On Jan 7, 2008 7:16 PM, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    >     Why do you use (obviously flawed) research methods?
>    >
>    > My method is to ask other people to do it for me.  I use that method
>    > because it is efficient.  Its results are accurate, too.
>    >
>    > However, when a person tells me his OS is free, I have not always
>    > checked.  Sometimes I just took his word for it.  The problems that
>    > have been reported here in various free systems (and, mostly,
>    > corrected) show I need to discuss the criteria more carefully with
>    > them.
>    You contradict yourself.  You say it's efficient and accurate and then
>    point out its inefficiency inaccuracy.  I find it stunning that you can
>    reconcile this.
> There is nothing to reconcile -- you have combined two statements
> about two different things, so the resulting contradiction didn't come
> from me.
> When I want research, I ask people to do it.  That is efficient, and
> we have not seen any errors in it.
> In the case of AROS, it's possible I did not ask anyone to do
> research.  I might have just taken the developers' word that the
> system is free.  It was years ago and I do not know what happened.
> However, most of these problems had nothing to do with quality of
> research, because they did not arise until after I had decided to
> endorse a program.  Research can only check the present, not the
> future.  For instance, the reference to unrar on BLAG's site was in a
> wiki; it was posted by a user in the recent past.  (It is possible
> that this happened with AROS too.)  Likewise for the GNU/Darwin
> problem.  I think this occurred in several others too.
> My conclusion is that I should do more detailed discussions with the
> developers of the FSF-endorsed systems about these specific possible
> problems and how to avoid them

Your conclusion should that you need to do your own research.
WHY, please really, tell me WHY you do not do your own research. Everybody
on this list would LOVE to know why you do not do any of your own

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