On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 07:46:42PM +0530, V. Karthik Kumar wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Gilles Chehade wrote:
> > I don't care about puppy linux or slax, I am just pointing out that
> > you talked out of your ass and made an uninformed comment again
> > when you said that openbsd ships with nothing.
> >
> I am sorry. It ships with utter crap.
> >
> >>
> >> No. I say calling it 'secure by default' is an oxymoron.
> >
> > Yet, you fail to argument and comment on the whole paragraph above.
> >  OpenBSD ships with a lot of things and users enable them if they
> > need them, whatever you say or think of this won't make it change.
> >
> >
> >
> It ships with only what the developers want and care about. And only
> FEW people ever find all of what it ships useful. Most of them find
> what they want in the ports tree and not in the base. If you can find
> more people who like it with what it ships than those who think
> otherwise, bring them to me and prove me wrong.
So what is your point ?

> > Obviously OpenBSD is less than a blackbox than any other system you
> > can come up with. I can create a copy of the official cdrom by
> > using only the content in cvs, while if I do the same with another
> > system I will probably be missing a few drivers.
> >
> Fancy Blackbox. What do I care? I'm not a programmer.

So what is your point ?

So far, the only point you made was that you are clueless.

Gilles Chehade

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