On Jan 5, 2008 11:28 PM, Karthik Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I represent neither FSF nor OpenBSD. I probably represent the
> community which listens to the propagandas put across by both but
> wants to fight back against false marketing and for the right things
> TM.

This is your website right?


If you think OpenBSD is not free then why did you put it under Free
OSes in your site?


Free OSes

OpenBSD link
Debian link
Slackware link
Minix link
OpenSolaris link


By now if you have been carefully studying you should have learned
that OpenBSD ans OpenSolaris are as far as east is from the west when
it comes to freedom?

Or Are you also like RMS who knows nothing but opens his big mouth to
utter nonsense?

> > OpenBSD is free software that contains no blob, no closed-source object
> > and that can be *fully* redistributed with no strings attached. You can
> > buy the cd and do whatever you want as long as you retain the copyright
> > on the files in it. You can take any part of OpenBSD and look at source
> > for it, nothing is obfuscated. You can build a full OpenBSD system from
> > the sources on the cvs. That's it.
> >
> Yawn.

Go to sleep and have a good night and come back in the morning with a
fresh mind :-)

> > What you do with it is not of our matter and we do not prevent you from
> > installing a proprietary software on top of it. This is your call, what
> > you do with what we provide you is none of our business, as long as you
> > do not remove the copyright notice.
> >
> My call: all lies and ego.

Yup you are so important and famous that everyone should be
discouraged about what you think and say!

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