Todd Alan Smith wrote:
When someone asked him how to make a living of IT without using or
promoting non-free software, his answer was that you don't have to
work in the IT field to contribute to free software, and he'd prefer see
a kernel contributor being a taxi driver than administrating Windows
workstations (It may not be the very same words, but the intent is the
So I could be a gardener and contribute to projects I
estimate worthy. From a very abstract point of view, that's coherent.
And as a gardener, I'm not sure software will
be my first source of problems.
A gardener? Replicating vegetables and charging for them is unethical
and antisocial.
Seeds and plants can be replicated at virtually no cost, and it is fun
to do.
And charging for consulting about the gardening.. is being a prostitute.
Why would you want to unethically charge an hourly fee to discuss
gardening? You are holding back something that you should be giving all
your head to, for free. When I speak of freedom, I speak of free sex,
not cost.