On Jan 4, 2008 11:41 PM, Paul de Weerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...] > I've been working in IT for well over 10 years now. I can promise you > that, had I denounced non-free software, I would not have been able to > pay for my food or my rent/mortgage for the past 10 years.
http://technews.acm.org/archives.cfm?fo=2007-04-apr/apr-09-2007.html#306282 ------- Cell phones also came under attack, for their ability to be used as "a tracking device, even when it is turned off." In summing up a broader philosophy, Stallman suggested, "Don't buy a house, a car, or have children. The problem is they're expensive and you have to spend all your time making money to pay for them." ------- http://ia310134.us.archive.org/1/items/The_Basement_Interviews/Richard_Stallman_Interview.pdf ------- RP: So how do you fund yourself today? RS: I get paid for some of my speeches. In addition, when I am travelling in a lot of places people don't let me pay for anything, so life is cheaper. This is sort of amusing and makes me a little bit like a medieval king. Medieval kings had to keep travelling all the time because if they stayed in one place they would burden the people there so much that the people would eventually get mad! RP: Is that an adequate way of funding yourself? RS: Loads of people invite me to visit them, and if I am there for a few days they are happy to do things like pay for my food, and they pay for me to go there, because otherwise I would go somewhere else instead. And some of them also pay a fee. ------- regards, alexander.