L wrote:
GCC for ms WIndows does not even REQUIRE thinking first. Everyone
knows GCC is a great Windows Proprietary compiler to create
proprietary software.. it's just a cheaper compiler than MS VC. It
is so easy to get or make GCC on windows, because Stallman knows
his figurehead will increase in size if he encourages everyone and
anyone to use GCC for proprietary closed source use.
This list is actually the first place I read of widespread use of GCC
for making proprietary software. Since so many lies are said about what
RMS promotes or not, I don't feel confident in taking your word for it
(specially since you seem to resort easily into insults).
You haven't heard about embedded developers using GCC for C
development? What did you think they used, Watcom C? MS Visual C?
This book is a scaffold/link..and it is a an endorsement and
recommendation to use GCC to distribute closed proprietary hardware and
sell the hardware distributing GCC based software inside the closed
This book is the enemy of your freedom.
Start making signs today.