Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 10:04:44AM -0600, Gilles Chehade wrote:
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 03:53:26PM +0000, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
Since I'm (at least) smart enough not to install proprietary software,
I don't have a strong problem with it, but for someone like RMS who
want's to be able to recommend strictly Free Software operating systems,
this can be seen as a severe drawback.
Just a few questions then:
- Why is it so easy to use gcc and emacs from Windows XP
without ever having to even know about gNewSense ? I'd
lie if I said I knew gNewSense before Stallman came to
troll here, and I've been working with people who make
a great use of gcc and emacs on Windows. Can't this be
seen as a severe drawback ?
No, they are using more Free Software than before. The opposit is a
drawback, IMHO, because more people is using proprietary software.
No, people that have an OpenBSD CD to install the OS have the chance to
use MORE free software than before. They install openbsd which frees
them from using Windows Server 2003 or whatever the heck they were going
to use as a server. They have a whole COMPLETE operating system that is
Once they install OpenBSD.. they are using free software.. the only
thing they MIGHT do is go on google and download Opera, or check the
ports system to find a link/url/file to download opera. This was not
advertised to them.. they had to take extra effort to do this. Just like
someone with GCC might go on google and say 'how do I install GCC on MS
Windows?" In fact, there is no extra effort with GCC.. it is SO EASY to
download GCC for windows that it ENCOURAGES more people to continue
using Windows since GCC works so great on Windows without advertising
gNewSense anywhere.
GCC for ms WIndows does not even REQUIRE thinking first. Everyone knows
GCC is a great Windows Proprietary compiler to create proprietary
software.. it's just a cheaper compiler than MS VC. It is so easy to get
or make GCC on windows, because Stallman knows his figurehead will
increase in size if he encourages everyone and anyone to use GCC for
proprietary closed source use.
Hypocrite, Hypocrite.
With GCC:
1. you can create bad non free software
2. you use bad non free software with GCC.. MS Windows
3. there are PLENTY of MS Windows users who use GCC and never touch
4. this all because GCC runs so splendidly on MS Windows.. it is so EASY
to set it up with EditPlus/Slickedit
5. be a hypocrite
This is all about a figurehead increasing his popularity. And you are
playing along and you have been brainwashed into thinking that magically
if 3 million people use GCC on Windows, that's not encouraging non free
software usage. Nope, somehow these 3 million GCC people on windows are
magically all going to move to gNewSense since GCC has a pop up window
each time you compile that says 'you must use gNewSense or I kill you.'
If they so happen to go onto google and search for 'bad proprietary
software' like Opera or whatever you consider bad (I do NOT consider
opera bad) then fine, go f*ck them up the nose for being such horrible
people - and build a nice big sign saying 'do not support Google, they
offer a scaffold where people can DOWNLOAD ANY BAD SOFTWARE they wish...
similar to the OpenBSD ports system and similar to GCC which let's
people BUILD bad software.. not just USE bad software but BUILD bad
- What makes you think you are smarter than anybody just
because you don't install proprietary software ?
Not smarter, at least smart enough on this subject not to do that.
and impose my choices on them. Do you see what I mean?
I do, but you didn't see what I meant. Maybe I wasn't clear enough for
No, you are a hypocrite to. Have you been brainwashed?
I am going to add the 'cult strategies' and brainwashing warnings to the
GNG website. You've all been fooled by the cute animals on the GNU site.
IN fact, you are a troll.. why am I replying? This just goes ON, and ON,
and ON, and ON.