On Dec 13, 2007 1:05 PM, Raimo Niskanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2007 at 01:07:17PM +0000, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
> > First, I'd like to thank those who provided useful responces to my
> > query (which started this thread), both on- and off-list.  I had missed
> > the announcement (http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=119347390302171&w=1)
> > that -stable ports & packages are no longer maintained.
> >
> As I recall from the FAQ and installation manual, an overall
> philosphy for OpenBSD is that the package system is the
> recommended. Users are encouraged to install from binary
> packages. And regular users should follow the stable
> branch.
> Does this still apply. It seems not from this thread, so
> in what way should a regular user now follow the stable branch?
> And yes, it should be in the FAQ.
> Or is this just a temporary setback?

As an inexperienced user, I still hear: "use the package system." But
on -release.. which is *supported.*

If security is of the utmost importance, following security
announcements and applying patches yourself, as necessary, is the
thing to do. The developers have work to do.. which involves
continuing development.  If you want to use -stable, which is
unmaintained/unsupported, use the appropriate cvs repo and build from

This is how I've interpreted things, maybe I'm wrong.. but I see no
point in bothering developers for package maintenance. They should be
able to invest themselves as they see fit, and I'd be willing to bet
that more often than not, this work would be in developing the
system.. making it better for themselves, and in turn, us.

We are free to do as we please. and our beloved developers are not
under any support contracts. Let us let them invest themselves as they
see fit.. I'm sure we'll all benefit, we have thus far. In turn, let's
see where and how we can give back to them.

Best regards,


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