"Unix Fan" writes:
 > This really does suck... While we as users appreciate developers hard work, 
A majority rely on -STABLE for updated and secure 3rd party software..

Really?   You have statistics?   I'd be curious to see how many run
stable vs. old releases vs. current.

 > Why even have a -CURRENT ports tree?... -STABLE should be the tree
 > maintained for the 6 months between releases..

You do realize that ports maintenance is a volunteer effort and that
volunteers get burned out.   I'm speaking from experience in that
I more-or-less managed the ports tree for several releases way back
when when it was a lot easier.   No packages (packages were just being
born about the time I stopped) and there were less than 1/4 the number
of ports you have today.

You are asking for volunteers to double their work effort.   I don't
see that happening.  If you want specific things done I suggest you
come up with funding.   I did that a few times, too, in the form of
"when I can run foo on my machine I'll send you a check for $$$".

// marc

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