On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 16:56:08 -0800 (PST), Brian wrote: >> So why does that "majority" not provide the skills or the money to >> support that facility? >> Maybe you should use something else that panders to your appetite. >> > >Completely unable to resist a great setup presented above, is the software >really free then? >
If you don't know what free means in the context of OpenBSD then you should do some research. If you do, you're a troll. And for those who just expect it without paying in money, kind or effort there is a good Aussie word: Bludger. If the cap fits wear it. Be aware too that just buying a Tshirt or a CD set doesn't buy a whining licence. There are people who really really need something and who fund it. Guess what? Everybody else who might need it gets it without paying. Even the bludgers. So don't whine, just wait and when someone else makes it possible, hey, you can leech away. Rod/ In the beginning was The Word and The Word was Content-type: text/plain The Word of Rod.