Joachim Schipper wrote:
> ...
> Sendmail is a lot better. And something like Postfix is even sane ;-).

Indeed, you should already be running Postfix, Exim or Sendmail in front
to collects, queue and store the messages and to limit contact with the

> However, integrating all that with a completely Microsoft-centric
> environment takes an unfun amount of work.

Actually, I observe that integrating *anything*, including MS products,
into a MS-centric environment takes an unfun amount of work for the
support department and inflicts an unfun amount of overhead and wasted
time on everyone else.

> In short, what do you really want to achieve? 

There are many good, standards-compliant, cross-platform calendar
solutions, both open source and closed source.  Just step away from MS.
 I hear even MeetingMaker is still out there.

> ... OSS offers plenty of
> groupware and some very good MTAs, but no real drop-in replacement for
> Exchange.

I disagree.  DVL seems a 1:1 replacement:


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