Is there even anything that's a full sexchange replacement?  I'm aware
of a group that runs around replacing large sexchange installations
with linux running on BigIron, so there may be feasible replacements.

Is your issue sexchange or LookOut?

On 10/2/07, knitti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/2/07, Karsten McMinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/2/07, Lord Sporkton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > i am looking into an exchange replacement, im looking to have use of
> > > calender appointments, tasks and mail all through a central server,
> > > also i have multiple windows based mobile devices syncing with this
> > > server, i wasnt able to find anything that looked like a exchange
> > > replacement in ports or pkgs
> >
> > quite a few options these days- kolab, horde (ports), mozilla +friends
> (ports),
> > scalix, zimba, open-xchange, and opengroupware. sorts depends
> > on how you define groupware. Not all of these in ports of course.
> opengroupware is not fun. i have to maintain (keep running) an
> ogo-installation (on linux), the "inner workings" are rather opaque, the
> documentation is sparse and it leaks memory and performance left and
> right. but if you have mail trouble, you can look at the underlaying smtp
> and imap servers and actually fix things, much more transparent than
> exchange (of which i also have some instances to look after)
> greetings,
> knitti

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-- Sandhurst officer cadet evaluation.

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