On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 10:31:49AM +0100, Mike Lott wrote:
scalix, zimba, open-xchange, and opengroupware. sorts depends on how you define groupware. Not all of these in ports of course.
I looked at all of them, tried Kolab and Opengroupware.org and: they all suck. I am now back to mutt and devtodo (cause I can). BTW: Does anyone happen to know of a mobile phone than _really_ synchronizes todo's and calendar with OpenBSD? I don't mind using command line tools or write a perl script around some tools ... -- Stephan A. Rickauer ----------------------------------------------------------- Institute of Neuroinformatics Tel +41 44 635 30 50 University / ETH Zurich Sec +41 44 635 30 52 Winterthurerstrasse 190 Fax +41 44 635 30 53 CH-8057 Zurich Web www.ini.unizh.ch RSA public key: https://www.ini.uzh.ch/~stephan/pubkey.asc -----------------------------------------------------------