
> I'd like to hear an actual developer position on that statement.  I
> read it as a criticism of the way WPA is used more than of the
> protocol itself.  As in, it's of little value to encrypt the traffic
> if you allow anybody to access it.  If Theo was saying that it sucks
> even when you're using some sufficient form of authentication (other
> than that it's maybe too complicated), I'd love to have it explained.
not in the mood to search for it, but I've seen people demonstrating
that WPA is as useless as WEP, just different approach and different
software. WPA2 is a bit better but there are still a few underlying
"design flaws" which make the whole stuff on it's own rather insecure.
can't recall though that anybody had WPA2 exploited at the time but
that's more then a year in the past so I wouldn't trust it.

however, google should find the stuff somewhere, it was demonstrated
on a few events, docs should be on the net, no need to bother theo
with this.


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