Hmmm had Theo ever talked about this on the list? I think many people are/will find this to be very strange... WPA is considered as "broken" and "insecure", which is understandable for a OS that focuses on security... but it _does_ provide WEP, a even more broken, insecure solution?
2007/3/29, Nick ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 3/29/07, Sunnz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 2007/3/29, Nick ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > On 3/29/07, Lars Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Maxime DERCHE wrote: > > > > IMHO you should think to configure your AP to provide a WAP-based > > > > encryption... > > > > > > WAP-based encryption? Do you mean WPA? > > > > And to answer the original question: because OpenBSD doesn't support > > WPA, and Theo has claimed somewhere that I can never find the link to > > that WPA gives a false sense of security anyway. > > > I am curious about this too, so if anyone got the link it would be > great to post it, thanks. Here you go: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mar 29, 2007 1:17 AM Subject: Re: Long WEP key To: Nick ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Nick ! wrote: > > Theo has claimed somewhere that I can never find the link to gives a quote but I can't find the original source.
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