Hi Pawel, Pawel Jakub Dawidek schrieb am Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 03:02:47PM +0100: > On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 12:38:05PM -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> So isn't it rather hypocritical to have a anti-Blob campaign, backed >> by projects which embrace the Blob? > So isn't it rather hypocritical to claim GPL license is bad and BSD > license is good and ship operating system with GPLed code? > How do you feel about having pro-GPL operating system? Why do you lie to > your users by having 'BSD' in operating system's name? Your analogy does not apply at all: - The proclaimed aim of the 'No blobs!' campaign is getting hardware documentation, thus ultimately enabling all free operating systems to become or remain blob-free: So it is about abolishing blobs. It is not just about the personal opinion whether blobs are free enough or about the personal choice whether to use blobs or not. A hardware manufacturer pressing blobs on his client is disrespectful with respect to his clients. An operating system shipping with the blobs enabled is endangering its users, and it is encouraging vendors to ship blobs. - There is no 'No GPL!' campaign whatsoever. I'm not aware of any plans to get all free software GPL-free. Or to abolish GPL code. To the contrary, i do remember Theo acknowledging that he is building on RMS' and other's work, and that it will stay like that for now, if not for good. A full, working toolchain is not easily dismissed without good reason. Indeed many of the OpenBSD developers hold the opinion that the GPL is not free enough and personally choose to use an other license for their code. But that's all there is to it. A software author writing GPL code is not being disrespectful againt anybody (though he could make his code more useful with a less contorted license). An operating system being built on a GNU toolchain is not endangering its users. Please try to not view conflicts in a "fried and enemy"-style, but take care to precisely address the point at hand. Yours, Ingo