In epistula a Matthew Weigel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> die horaque Mon, 19
Mar 2007 10:54:24 -0500:

> Jason George wrote:
> > This was sabre-rattling.  Daniel made a pre-emptive tactical strike.
> > There's a big difference.
> No, there's not a difference.  Theo said he was willing to take the
> emails public; this Daniel guy took him at his word, and made them
> public.  The only foul I see is Theo threatening to take Daniel's
> emails public in the first place.

there really *was* (in ancient times? where the term 'politician' was
not an insult?) and should be a difference.

people with a total lack of so called 'soft skills' won't see them,
tho, but that is neither Theo's problem nor anyone else's.

> -- 
>  Matthew Weigel
>  hacker

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